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he Tortorici law firm has a tradition of over a century is coordinated by the lawyer Filippo Tortorici that, because of its role at university and international assignments carried out, has entrenched a culture of international legal relationships with law firms around the world. Moreover he formed in the studio a new generation of employees that allow the possibility of business attorneys and legal assistance not only in Italy but also abroad, especially before the German, Spanish and Brazilian Courts .

The Law firm, in Italy, is located in Palermo but the litigation carries out assistance and representation in proceedings before civil and administrative courts of each part of Italy, even at the Supreme Court: Court of Cassation, Court of Auditors,
The assistance of our client  extended different internatonal areas: civil law, european Law, corporate, distributions, human right, intellectual property, real Estate and transport law.
The Law firm, in Spain, is located in Barcelona and Madrid, is coordinated by the lawyer Michele Tortorici and its specialice to resolve problem of international firm in Spain.

The Firm is now able to assist in five different languages the foreign customers and many Italians, who now, increasingly, are world citizens and protagonist in the global market.